Friday 13 April 2012


Dodgerz and Chukwudi Mbanusi, a set of twins who grew up in Enugu, South-eastern Nigeria, were part of their local church choir as children, but didn t take music seriously until they were in their early 20 s. Empire explains, we started writing songs in our heads, and it took our interest in music to another level. Then I started playing the Piano to broaden our horizons even more." Soon afterwards ,they formed a music Duo and began performing at local Joints around Coal city. Jong Dodge recalls "I wasnt interested in anything I was doing other than music, and I loved the wide-openness of my life."

‪‪‬‬Recording in a Friend's mini studio and playing the songs for their friends, Empire & Jong Dodge saw the genuinely excited reaction from them. "Two friends heard the songs, and even though we were all broke, they approached us and we pooled our money to airk the songs on the local radio stations . Now churning out Songs in earnest, the duo was gathering skill as a songwriters, taking their influences, like mariah carey, notorious B.I.G, Joe, Jay-Z & T.I, and using them to shape their own style." They grew up with a lot of 90s Hip hop and RnB. Empire explains, "our Big Cousin used to play KC and Jojo all the time. We naturally gravitate to that kind of sound; there is a warmth and timelessness to it that we have always loved. Jong Dodge describes their own music as fun and youthful while at the same time signifying deep meaning. " Hip hop is about stories. Some of those stories can be meaningful and still be fun. I never choose a song that I can't relate to in some way, shape, or form. Our music will always reflect who we are."

‪‪We're music designers," Jong Dodge says. "If music is a way to communicate with people, we're almost like scientists," he continues. "Some people make software applications. Drama movie writers write a story that can make you cry. We're designing something that will uplift people spirits"‬‬

‪‪With Twin Effect, the duo's major label debut album on Tumbom Records, Empire & Jong Dodge demonstrates a rare ability to fuse the "feel" and "vibe" of classic R&B music with the edgy flavor of hip-hop and Afro Hip-hop(hence the tittle twin effect of hip hop and RnB). While the romantic themes of traditional R&B permeate Empire & Jong Dodge's T, they are very much their own artists, gifted with singular talents and a unique songwriting skills.‬‬

‪‪Empire, a graduate Medical doctor, from U.N.N. and Jong Dodge, a graduate of Engineering from the F.u.t. Owerri are set to take the nigerian entertainment scene by storm. Watch out!!


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